Scam Alert: Kindly be informed that SAFCU will not call you from our direct line 714-834-1341 to verify information on your
debit card or credit card, nor on your online banking sign in information. Please do not give any information over the phone if you receive such a call.
Feel free to hang up and call us direct during business hours M - F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, thank you. Your security is our priority.
Loans and Deposits Rates
Rates are subject to change and are current as of .
Deposit Rates
Loyalty Plus Dividend Bonus Rates
Please contact the credit union for additional information regarding our Bonus Rates for Loyalty Plus Members.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
Loan Rates
Rates are subject to change are current as of .
SAFCU has a range of interest rates for our consumer loans. A rate is based on a variety of factors such credit score and term of loan. If you do not see your preferred term listed below, please contact the credit union.
Prime rate is 7.50% as of
First and Home Equity Loans available.
For current rates and terms call 866.936.0585 and ask for Laura Lee Brown.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate.
All loans are subject to a $25.00 late fee after 10 days.
Ask about our relationship discounts that can reduce some rates by as much as 0.75%; not available for Share & Certificate Secured Loans or credit cards.